Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Confederation essays

Confederation essays On July 1, 1867, celebrations occurred nationwide as confederation passed and Canada became an independent country. With the uniting of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the Dominion of Canada was created. Obtaining the right to confederation was a long and difficult process. In September 1864, Canadians proposed the idea of a Canadian Confederation at the Charlettown conference (Waite). Two years later in December 1866, delegates from Canada attended another conference in London, England, in order to further discuss these plans. This historical meeting was chaired by Sir John A. Macdonald, and the future Fathers of Confederation all attended. Queen Victoria approved the British North America act On March 29, 1867, and it was put into place on July 1, 1867 (Canada and the making). Confederation is the most significant event that has ever occurred in Canada. It not only created a unique and stable country, but also established a federal form of government, while at the s ame time protecting the heritage of our French Canadian citizens. Canadas birth was different from the birth of any other nation. Its creation was not achieved through war or revolution. It was not a popular uprising of people. Nor was it a call for independence by Great Britain (Waite). It was merely a group of people with a dream for a promising country who obtained this through a process of negotiation. Confederation allowed Canada to become an independent country that would be strong economically. At that time, Canadians feared the United States idea for Manifest Density, by which they hoped to take over all of North America. Confederation stopped this in its tracks (Bain et al. 2). As well, the cancellation of the free trade agreement with all of North America due to the establishment of Confederation raised Canadas economic status. By uniting the provinces the completion of the Canadian railway was enabled. This incr...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Youve Got an Interview - Now What

Youve Got an Interview - Now What What excitement! After pouring over classified ads for jobs for what seems like an eternity and putting in applications, you have an interview scheduled for a job you would really like to get. Now is the time to prepare so you can ace it. The recruiter’s job is to find the best person for the position, so your focus should be to prove you’re just that. Here are a few handy tips for how you can  impress the interviewer with your preparation and poise.1. Check Out the CompanyYou don’t want to go in for your interview without doing some research on the company. While having good background information is necessary, you are also finding out about the company culture. Don’t just look at the company website. Check out the blog page, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages, along with the YouTube channel if the company has one. Employee photos can tell you about dress style, the way employees interact with each other, and other information you can use to your adv antage.2. Find Out Who Is Doing the InterviewingThe way you respond to interview questions depends on the interviewer. Is it the CEO of the company, a hiring manager, or the person who will be supervising your job? It can make a difference, since you want to make a connection with that person. Tailoring  your answers to a specific individual, such as talking about how you would be a good person to handle job duties when talking to a supervisor, can leave a positive impression.3. Research the Salary RangeOne subject that can make you uncomfortable is asking for a particular salary. Do a little research beforehand on the typical range paid for the job you seek. By submitting a range, it gives the company some leeway and makes it more likely you will get a job offer.4. Be on TimeTo make a good impression, it’s important to be on time for your interview. You won’t arrive nervous, and you’ll have  a chance to freshen up if you desire. Showing up a few minutes ear ly also gives you a chance to look around and get acclimated.5. Make a Positive ImpressionFrom the receptionist to the interviewer, you want to watch your body language, smile, make eye contact, and be friendly. Remember to shake hands with the interviewer and use a firm (but not too firm) grip. You’ll be talking quite a bit to answer questions and ask your own during the interview. If someone offers you something to drink, accept it as you would in someone’s home- it will  soothe your  parched throat as you extol how you would be a positive addition to the company.6. Be PreparedBring a few extras along with you to the interview, such as a notebook and pen in case you want to take notes. Whether applying for a job in finance, an office manager job, or any other job type, taking notes can help you remember important details. An extra copy or two of your resume might also be a good idea, along with examples of what you have accomplished in previous jobs. You might al so want to bring along a list of questions you want to ask.7. Ask QuestionsHaving  curiosity about a job shows you are interested. Come prepared with a list of questions so you can  ask about anything that needs clarification. This might include daily office routines, company policies, or the timeline for choosing a candidate for the position. When the interview is over, remember to ask when you might hear back about your prospects for the job.8. Follow UpIt is just good manners to follow up an interview with a thank you note. While you can send notes in the form of an email, make sure to send them separately to each individual who was present during your interview. This more personal approach will stand out.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How important was citizen participation in Soviet decision-making Essay

How important was citizen participation in Soviet decision-making - Essay Example 46). Only in the beginning of 1990s, citizens of the former Soviet Union began to speak about the 74 years of Soviet regime as a "blank space" in the course of national history, a blunder, a roundabout way, as something that virtually better hadn't happened. "Now 1991 is referred to as the "collapse" or "falling-apart" (raspad), a word with almost purely negative connotations, even though people also tell opinion-pollers that they would not want to go back to the old order" (Sherman 1990 p. 15). Besides there is no doubt that knowledge in this area is highly disordered disorientation and blurred as for a very long time nearly until the beginning of "perestroika" the Soviet Union remained a skilfully isolated and closed political system (Segal, Batt, Buzan, Duncan, Goodman, Price, Margot, Williams & Womack 1992). In our work we'll investigate the Soviet era itself with its "backwardness". We will view the question through the prism of the course of comparatively recent history from 1917 to 1991. In short, our incentive is not to prove that twentieth century Russia and the whole USSR was backward but to demonstrate how decisive this backwardness was and even is for Russian and Soviet self-understanding (Fitzpatrick 2000, p. 378). Russia's "backwardness" as compared with the Wes... 104) "Russia as third Rome" were still general and common, but even the supporters of such concepts like Slavophiles often had prejudice and concerning the universal Russian intelligentsia's sense of inferiority about west countries that were considered to be more developed (Motyl 1990, p. 211). Marxist revolutionaries as a group of the radical intelligentsia which appeared in the beginning of the 20th century got the name the Bolsheviks. Socialism implies for them a lot, but what appeared to be the most essential, as became clearly understandable after they gain power in the October Revolution in 1917, was the process of "modernization" or "modification" the whole society. Their fundamental incentive was the surmounting of historic backwardness of the country (Drakulic 1987). The Bolsheviks considered that this so-called economic and cultural backwardness was the result of quantity of the non-Slavic peoples of the North and East and "dark" peasantry. "Since Russia's population in the early twentieth century was 80 per cent peasant, and non-Slavs constituted close to half of the population of the state that in 1923 became the Soviet Union that meant that "backwardness" was the prevailing condition" (Fitzpatrick 2000, p. 378). The Bolsheviks considered themselves a vanguard party. Strictly speaking, this implied that they represented the vanguard of the proletariat; and in broader meaning, it implied a vanguard of education with the main aim to steer the public masses out of backwardness. And after the winning of Revolution they declared their vanguard in the whole world (Sherman 1990 p. 14). These events were profoundly based on their Marxist perception of history, with its ideas and postulates

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Benefits of exercise on heart disease---(Physical Fitness and Essay

Benefits of exercise on heart disease---(Physical Fitness and Nutrition) - Essay Example a revolution in the treatment and care of people suffering from diseases of the heart such as Arrhythmia, Congenital Heart defects, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Heart Attack, Heart Failure or Peripheral Heart disease. Advanced technology used in diagnosis, surgery and treatment have made it possible to repair or fix these heart related defects. The intake of drugs, alcohol or tobacco contributes to high risk factors that eventually lead to heart problems. In lieu of this, physical fitness is a major contributing factor to a healthy heart. Exercise not only helps to relieve stress but it also helps to keep the body healthy and free from disease. How well your heart can compensate is determined by the level of overall fitness of your body, no matter which heart disease one has. In relation to this, exercises such as aerobics has a greater impact on a person with heart disease, as it results in physiological adaptations that allow submaximal workloads to be carried out even more efficiently, for it puts less strain on the cardiovascular system. Therefore regular participation of aerobic exercise guarantees a decrease in blood pressure and plays a protective role in the development of hypertension and CHD. Training studies that were conducted revealed that heart rate and blood pressure levels had significantly decreased in individuals with psychological stress and who had undergone aerobic exercises. The study included testing participants in both AT (aerobic training) and NT (no training). While the participants of the AT group were guided into doing regular aerobic exercises, the NT group of participants were instructed to r efrain from participating in any regular or new exercise. The NT group was also asked to maintain their regular daily activities and to record any prolonged physical activity that they performed during the day. Aerobic fitness was conducted and assessed via a graded exercise test on a motor-driven treadmill which needed the participants to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Equality and Diversity Essay Example for Free

Equality and Diversity Essay This essay examines the key factors that influence inclusive learning and teaching in the lifelong learning sector. Teaching methods will vary according to what you want to get out of the session, what the learners are able to achieve within the time frame, what materials and resources are available, what you are teaching, the needs of the learners and your personal style. This could be formal, informal or a mixture of both. Formal teaching methods include lecturers, demonstrations and presentations. Informal teaching includes discussions, group work and practical activities. As I will be teaching within the Beauty Therapy my lessons would be a mixture of both these delivery methods. Each activity within the classroom will consist of teaching and learning activities which are balanced to meet the different needs of my learners. Blended learning incorporates both traditional and computer based methods. This is commonly referred to as Information learning technology (ICT) this use of computer based technology to enhance teaching methods and resources or develop learner autonomy is widely promoted. The other main teaching methods other than ICT I am opting to use are lecturers and demonstrations. These demonstrations are very important as it would show the students the beauty routine that we would expect them to follow within their practical sessions. This ensures that students will be working to the same standard and will also adhere to the requirements of the awarding body. Practical sessions also help to explain difficult parts of the task when verbal exposition in not enough. I would also use group work activities, these particularly suit kinaesthetic learners but also when you have a group consisting of various abilities it allows both weak and strong learners to work collectively. Question and Answer sessions will be most commonly used in my tutorials. If I was teaching for example ‘the bones and muscles of the body) I would ask students to identify where muscles are on the body to help promote learning. At the start of the course the approach I will use to facilitate inclusive learning will be to carry out an initial assessment. This will help me identify what type of learners they are, I would then plan my teaching sessions to meet these individual needs by using a mix of visual, auditory, kinaesthetic teaching and learning strategies. For example I had just completed a practical demonstration to my group on ‘a facial routine’, I wanted to make sure my learners could confidently work in pairs and practice this routine on each other. A task like this would suit the kinaesthetic because he/she is provided with an opportunity to do and learn, and for the visual learner I would produce a step by step illustrated hand-out to support the routine. The Equality Act 2010 outlines protective characteristics which promote equality within schools and colleges and prevent discrimination. This includes sexuality, sex, disability, marital status and religion. In order to promote equality in my classroom I will need to respond positively to the diverse needs of all learners. Effective communication with learners is essential and it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that learners understand appropriate vocabulary and terminology and that comments are not discriminatory or offensive. As a teacher I would keep language simple so that if I have a learner from different backgrounds they may not have the same level of English as British learners. Resources used such as hand-outs, assignments and work sheets will also aim to promote equality and diversity. For example I would produce worksheets in a gender free language and also aim to promote multiculturalism by producing scenario based worksheets that use names from various ethnic backgrounds. I would also pace my sessions so students have plenty of time to take notes and ask any questions. Although inclusion is about supporting learners’ needs. It is not always possible for teachers to do this without support themselves. All teachers should be aware of the limits of their own responsibility and know when and where to access support for learners. you will not be able to get students to solve all their own difficulties. Get to know and use your institutions student services or pastoral support system: it exists to support your students, and you, so do refer where it is appropriate† Petty 2004 There are many places of referral within education; these can be both internal within the education establishment or an external organisation. The internal places of referral may inc lude student support services, learner study support centre, and counselling and careers advice. If I had a student for example who needed help with writing their essay I would arrange for them to go to the learner study support centre who would be able to assist Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities may need additional support and may need a designated support worker to support them within the classroom. A learner with dyslexia may find it hard to read text or numbers or have difficulty with writing and spelling, therefore I would produce written hand-outs and allow learners with dyslexia to present their ideas verbally or tape notes if necessary. Political correctness is a commonly used term at the moment and is used to ensure that expressions do not cause offence to any particular group of people. There are also many external agencies where learners can be referred, and which agency they are referred to would depend on the individual’s needs of the learner. This may include health related issues, family difficulties, poor attendance, or repeated challenging behaviour. The purpose of referring a learner to an external support agency is to support an individual student and to help them overcome their difficulties which are impacting on their education. For example if I had a student who was constantly disruptive in class and had a record of aggressive behaviour I would refer them to the Pupil Referral Unit. They would help and encourage the learner to be involved in the learning process, but in a smaller environment where they be in a much smaller group (3-4 learners) and also receive one-to-one support. Functional skills such as literacy, numeracy and ICT can be easily integrated into my lessons. These activities will meet both literacy and numeracy standards but are more easily understood by the learner. An example of this would be an assignment covering salon duties. I would ask the students to produce a sales ledger for stock to be re-ordered from our supplier. This would include maths as the student would have to calculate the cost of goods and also the total value of the order, it would include English as the student needs to produce the document and ICT as the student would have to present it in a typed format. The best way to establish ground rules with my learners is to negotiate them. The rules should be appropriate and fair and agreed as a whole class. As a teacher, I would establish ground rules during the first session, and plan a short activity around this. The class could discuss what is expected of them and write the rules in small groups. I would also list a few ground rules and then negotiate them as a class. This gives all learners the opportunity to be included and involved and as they have decided on the rules they are also more likely to respect them. When establishing ground rules it is important to ensure they are clear and brief and start positively rather than with ‘do not’. Once the rules have been established I would ask the learners to write them on some flipchart paper and hang them up in the class so that they are visible to all. It is also important to reinforce the rules consistently and to phrase learners when rules have been adhered to. I feel this method would motivate learners and also model good behaviour. Some rules may not be able to be negotiated. For example when the students come into class they must be wearing their salon uniforms and hair must be tied back. As a teacher even though I have designed my lessons to meet everyone’s needs I still need to ensure that my learners are motivated and want to learn. Maslow (1970) argues that basic needs such a food, safety, love and belonging and self-esteem need to be met in order for them to achieve their goals and aspirations. Everyone is motivated through either Intrinsic (because they want to learn) or extrinsic motivators (because they have to i. e. better job prospects). â€Å"A good teacher will play to the strengths of the learner when trying to raise enthusiasm in learning† Wilson 2004 – page 188 Other theories of motivation that can be used to motivate learners include the goal orientated theory, based on desire to be rewarded for achievement. A learner is given a clear direction or task and when it is reached there is a reward. For example I would set a group task for my learners to complete within the lesson. If they finish before the end of the lesson they are allowed an early break. If they don’t complete the task at the by the end of the session they will have to complete as homework. Albert Bandura (1994) suggested that an individual’s belief in themselves and their ability is related to what they can achieve. An example of how this can be applied into the classroom is to encourage my learner to try, and re-explain the topic if they are unsure. Through coaching and reassurance I will enable that learner to achieve. Giving effective feedback will help to improve the confidence of learners and develop their potential. Feedback should be delivered promptly and be a two way process. I would ask the learner how they think they did and get an idea if their understanding of the topic. Even if I had negative feedback to give to my learner I would end with a positive statement to incite the learner to take my comments on board and leave them feeling more positive about their performance. To conclude I suggest that inclusive teaching can only take place if both equality and diversity are positively promoted. Inclusive teaching relies on a range of differentiation strategies which may include adapted resources or additional classroom support. Depending on individual learner needs, learners may need to be referred to internal or external places of referral for extra support. .

Friday, November 15, 2019

Industrial Revolution Essay -- essays research papers

How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect A Person’s Quality of Life? One’s quality of life is defined as the degree of well-being felt by a person or a group of persons. It is concerned with a citizen’s consumption of goods and services, human rights and the environment. The industrial revolution have produced great wealth to many citizens that influences their state of well being. Others may argue that the changes and advancements in society have brought the burden of scarce resources, diseases and pollution among it’s people. Rather the opposite is true, the positive effects that the revolution have introduced such as the high availability of employment, food, and human rights and the opportunity for future growth overpowers these problems. Therefore it is accurate to say that the benefits of the industrial revolution have improved one’s quality of life. One characteristic that concerns the condition of a person’s life is the freedom for an occupation. This period of change have conducted the use of machinery for many types of production. Some believe that the substitution of machines for human labor have created high rates of unemployment for many nations. Before the revolution, jobs were very limited because work was accomplished through animal power and hand labor. Also many tasks required men with considerable skills which could only be accomplished through long hours of work and practice. In the past and in the present it could be clearly seen that the sprouting fa...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nivea Family Brand Essay

1. What is the market’s perception of the Nivea family brand on each of the following dimensions? †¢ Performance- Nivea-primarily through Nivea Crà ¨me-had acquired a unique, widely understood brand identity as â€Å"caretaker† of skin. Since 1911, Nivea has been making the first water-in-oil emulsion that is a reliable top selling product. They used superior and innovative ingredients. Consumers see Nivea as a quality brand. †¢ Imagery- Nivea has a strong brand personality which is emotionally involving based on childhood, trust and love. The product imagery represented caring, pure, gentle, family values, trust, mildness and fair price. The product is used for dry skin and all skincare needs. †¢ Judgments – Most users grew up with Nivea and learned that it was a product that could be used by the entire family to satisfy all kinds of needs. Because of consumers’ own personal history with the brand and the company’s advertising, Nivea had become strongly associated with shared family experiences and had a rich set of other brand associations such as â€Å"care,† â€Å"protection,† â€Å"mildness† etc. †¢ Feelings- Nivea evokes feeling of caring, fun, security, gentleness and pureness. The brand is closely linked with consumers. Nivea is a global brand with a wide assortment of products catering to the full spectrum of consumer segments 2. Identify the brand associations (individual brands under the family umbrella) for the following 3 sub brands: Visage, Vital, Beaute. What role does each sub brand play in entering the respective product-markets? In other words, why shouldn’t the company just use the family brand without individual brands? †¢ Visage: Nivea Visage focused on mildness. Cosmed upgraded Nivea Visage’s image through a series of actions. Firstly, it remains close to the Nivea brand image of pureness and gentleness, targeted for the face with a more sophisticated image. Secondly, the company improved its product, offering day and night crà ¨me. To support this they changed the packaging and logo. Their advertisements aimed at more at the scientific and research aspects coupled with the historic trust in the brand. †¢ Vital: Vital targets women over 50 years old. The advertisements are less family angled and utilize older female models that the target market can easily identify with. The packaging, logo and colors were redesigned for this different target market. The colors chosen for the logo were red and gold to represent energy and femininity. Natural and recognizable ingredients were added to the product line, such as: soy proteins and primrose oil. †¢ Beaute: Beaute is positioned with primary focus on the skin-care attributes of the products by using the slogan â€Å"Colors that Care†. The products were packaged in stylish containers made with deep-blue hues that resonated with the Nivea Crà ¨me packaging. Each product specialized in meeting the needs of different consumers. Prices were higher to compete with their biggest competitors

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Action Research On Milwaukee Flooding Environmental Sciences Essay

Floods are inevitable natural phenomena that cause terrible harm in footings of lives, natural resources, the economic system, and wellness. On the international degree, deluging histories for 40 per centum of catastrophes worldwide and causes 26 per centum of disaster-related mortalities ( Whiteman, 2004 ) . Aside from environmental impacts, the societal impacts of deluging in communities around the universe are common among several states such as economic impacts, impacts on physical wellness, psychological wellness, impacts related to emptying and impermanent resettlement, and community and vicinity alterations ( International Association for Impact Assessment [ IAIA ] , 2003 ; Genovese et al. , 2006 ) . The biggest challenge in countries considered as high-risk for implosion therapy is extenuation ( FEMA, 2010 ) . This action research intends to utilize the Milwaukee implosion therapy in July 2010 to show the themic jobs in catastrophe direction and extenuation attempts. This lit erature reappraisal will continue to demo that inundation extenuation requires a comprehensive, integrated, and multi-stakeholder attack toward inundation hazard direction. It will try to demo and show this thesis based on research and instance surveies in the United States and best pattern catastrophe extenuation attempts in other countries worldwide. In a study by The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction [ UN/ISDR ] ( 2008 ) , it was postulated that communities which create its ain thoughts and work programmes to turn to their demands and exposures have better opportunities of long-run solutions. Due to the increasing urbanisation, increasing demand for infinite, and climate alteration concerns practically everyplace in the universe, the demand to switch from conventional inundation direction attacks to an integrated attack has been recommended ( UNESCO, 2001 ; FEMA, 2010 ) . Integrated attack to deluge direction means that there are pre- and post-disaster steps planned and implemented in a vicinity which are linked to other communities, authorities bureaus, and organisations in order to turn to exposures which communities are unable to work out on their ain ( UN/ISDR, 2008 ) . Multi-sectoral attacks to deluge direction have been utilized by vicinities in order to extenuate flood harm. In a instance s urvey performed by the Tearfund International ( 2005 ) , two communities in Africa came up with a comprehensive and multi-sectoral program which required 1 ) a comprehensive hazard appraisal 2 ) protagonism and linkage with authorities, private sector, and the Districts concerned and acceptance of Torahs to deter agribusiness 20 metres from the watercourse 3 ) networking with other authorities bureaus to procure expertness and 4 ) community mobilisation. The same multi-sectoral attacks have been undertaken in other states as good ( Petrov et al. , 2005 ; Genovese et al. , 2006 ) . In the United States, communities work hand-in-hand with the federal authorities and the private sector in order to cut down hazard and harm caused by deluging ( FEMA, 2010 ) . Based on a survey by Petrov, et Al. ( 2005 ) , an incorporate theoretical account of flood direction is quantifiable in footings of sustainable development and inundation defence. The survey focused on two communities in Italy which used the incorporate mold attack to supplement structural steps with non-structural steps such as land direction and planning, land usage planning and development limitations. The determination that a comprehensive scheme using both structural and non-structural extenuation steps toward inundation direction is the most effectual scheme is consistent with other state studies ( Lin, De Guzman, & A ; Cuevas, 2007 ; Genovese, et al. , 2006 ; Zevenbergen et al. , 2008 ) . Furthermore, ‘best pattern ‘ surveies have besides pointed to the increasing importance of a multi-stakeholder attack in inundation hazard direction ( FEMA, 2008 ; Galloway, 2005 ) . This attack means that all the stakeholders in a community have functions to play from be aftering to the execution stage. When planning is done unsuitably and without a stakeholder analysis, any inundation hazard direction scheme may worsen the negative effects of utmost hydrological procedures ( Petrov, et al. , 2005 ) . Hence, concerns from assorted sectors must be heard and considered, and local cognition and resources should be evaluated with support from exterior ( Genoese, et al. , 2006 ) . These surveies point out that a co-ordinated attempt is necessary to protect everyone ‘s involvement in the event of implosion therapy. The dominant scheme in inundation direction every bit far as the U.S. is concerned has been structural in nature. Flood extenuation attempts in the state go around around the demand to cut down the cost of harm brought approximately by the devastation of belongings. However, due to increasing financial load caused by structural steps, urban contrivers and exigency direction experts look to the usage of non-structural steps to cut down the harm caused by deluging. Between 1960 and 1985, FEMA estimated that the federal authorities used $ 38 billion of taxpayers ‘ money on structural inundation direction steps ( FEMA, 2010 ) . A chief step used to cut down inundation hazard is the building of levees which were subsequently augmented by channel work to rush floodwaters to their ultimate finishs ( Lin, De Guzman, & A ; Cuevas, 2007 ) . Elsewhere, particularly in the underdeveloped universe, the most common structural step utilized in order to cut down implosion therapy is the buildi ng of dikes. Structures to pin down dust flows in canons upriver from alluvial fans include permeable dikes that stop bowlders but permit H2O to run out, that is, grid dikes dwelling of cross-linked steel pipes, horizontal beams, perpendicular steel pipes, or reinforced columns. Widely used in Canada and the US, they suddenly slow the advancement of dust flows by run outing the H2O ( Hyndman & A ; Hyndman, 2010 ) . The biggest challenge with such structural steps in the U.S. experience has been the financial load shouldered by the federal authorities. The addition in deposit along with the development brought approximately by urbanisation has required more investing in extra constructions. Elsewhere in the universe, in a survey commissioned by the World Commission on Dams ( WCD ) , 54 % of dikes constructed sustained cost overproductions ( Whiteman, 2004 ) . Structural inundation direction steps have besides come under onslaught for their alleged inauspicious impacts on the wellness and environment. In a study by the International Rivers Network, the building of dikes and constructions to slake implosion therapy has led to massive and nonvoluntary relocation, loss of support for those dependent on flood plains, and forced evictions ( Lin, De Guzman, & A ; Cuevas, 2007 ) . Another concern with dike is its part to climate alteration gases as they release over 104 million MT of methane yearly. Land usage planning and direction is another scheme used in order to cut down inundation amendss by curtailing development on inundation fields. The displacement from structural to set down usage planning was triggered by the monolithic harm sustained during the 1993 Mississippi River inundation. FEMA started to purchase floodplain land in order to deter other people from reconstructing on flood-prone land and being flooded out once more. Alternatively of lodging and development undertakings, land was used for agribusiness, Parkss, and other related utilizations. Some counties have resisted application for development undertakings by corporations in order to extenuate deluging but many instances have been petitioned by developers in tribunals ( Hyndman & A ; Hyndman, 2010 ) . A common place is that modulating edifice and building of inundation fields infringement upon single rights to belongings while FEMA maintains that in flood-prone countries, the right of persons to construct bel ongings infringed upon the rights of other persons. Furthermore, one million millions of public revenue enhancement dollars have been coursed out to supply alleviation from deluging and construct flood-management constructions. Buyout and resettlement strategies have worked in some counties. For case, in Iowa, over 46 resettlement undertakings and buyouts have been initiated by the province to extenuate flood harm. There have been more than 1,000 belongingss removed from flood-prone countries which have protected critical installations such as infirmaries. FEMA has invested $ 54 million for these resettlement and buyout undertakings and catastrophe alleviation financess were given merely More than 1,000 belongingss have been removed from flood-hazard countries in the province. Over 20 critical installations, such as infirmaries, have been protected. At least 66 undertakings have been funded, with a entire investing of $ 54 million in FEMA ( Earthquake Engineering Research Institute [ EERI ] , 2008 ) . Flood insurance is another non-structural inundation direction step that has been progressively used by authoritiess because of the financial loads of structural steps ( Genovese, 2006 ) . Flood case mitigates the cost of flood harm while and at the same clip influences behavior to further cut down future harm. The inundation insurance scheme is basically a cost-sharing agreement among belongings and concern proprietors, insurance and re-insurance industry, and authorities. Under the authorization of the National Flood Insurance Program ( NFIP ) , flood insurance is available to people populating in flood plains ( Hyndman & A ; Hyndman, 2010 ) . The federal authorities provides insurance while its purchase is delegated to private insurance companies. There are two chief advantages of inundation insurance. First, it eases financial load on authorities for inundation bar and alleviation. Second, it allows for drum sander and automated transportation of payments to individuals ( nonaffe cted or victims ) covered by a similar insurance plan ( Larson & A ; Plasencia, 2005 ) . Despite the purported benefits of inundation insurance, merely 20-30 % of those eligible participate in the insurance plan ( Galloway, 2005 ) . Before people can be eligible to claim insurance, FEMA requires the community, to finish the needed surveies to demarcate flood plain zones and enforce ordinances. To be eligible for inundation insurance, the community must finish the needed surveies to denominate flood plain zones and implement its ordinances ( FEMA, 2010 ) . A hurdle in inundation insurance is conflict over civil wrong claims. The NFIP can pre-empt civil wrong claims made by landholder utilizing province jurisprudence against independent contractors hired by FEMA under the obstruction preemption rule where â€Å" province jurisprudence stands as an obstruction to the achievement and executing of the full intents and aims of Congress † ( Freightliner Corp. v. Myrick, 514 U.S. 280 , 287, 1995 ) . Taken together, the reviewed instance surveies and studies indicate that experience in inundation direction support the usage of a comprehensive and incorporate attack to cut down economic harm brought approximately by deluging ( Simonovic, 2005 ; Global Water Partnership, 2006 ; Genovese, et al. , 2006 ) . This means that while structural steps have been found to ease the impact of floodwater and dust flows, the federal authorities has looked to non-structural steps because of the load its shoulders from building levees, dikes, and other flood-control constructions. Measures such as land usage planning and direction, buyouts, and inundation insurance have shown promise but brush opposition and challenges. Community engagement and multi-stakeholder attacks are necessary in explicating sustainable inundation direction programs to construct more resilient communities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

australias war essays

australias war essays Australias economic and military contribution to the World War 1 allied victory. England entered the First World War on August the 4th 1914, after Germany refused their demands to respect Belgiums neutrality in the war. Australia also entered the war in 1914 for the simple reason it was a British colony, not a sovereign state and it had no choice but to be1 involved in the war. According to Beaumont (1995), Australians felt a deep attachment to England and the outbreak of the war was greeted and embraced in Australia, with great public enthusiasm2. This enthusiasm was due among other reasons to the fact that many of the Australian immigrants and culture had originated from Britain. This deep attachment to the mother country motivated Australia to contribute to and become involved in the allied war effort on many different levels. One of the main contributions Australia made to the allied war effort was its military involvement. Australias first military contribution was its rapid recruitment, formation and dispatch of a military contingent, shortly after the outbreak of the war. Within weeks a force of 20,000 troops, which had previously been promised to the British, was formed, by a flood of volunteers (many thousands of who were rejected because they did not fit the standards of fitness).3 Three months later on the 1st November, 20,000 members of the Australian Imperial Forces (AIF) and two NZ brigades where sailed to Egypt for training. The troops spent four and a half months training in Egypt, until they were sent to the Gallipoli peninsula on the 25th of April 1915, to fight the Turkish. Due to a navigational error the Australian troops landed one mile off course of their intended landing zone, and where faced with unexpectedly perilous and steep terrain. The Australian troops dug in to the steep beach slopes, establishing a tenuous foothold and despite attempts by both sides to overrun...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Facts on the Geography of Beijing China

10 Facts on the Geography of Beijing China Population: 22,000,000 (2010 estimate)Land Area: 6,487 square miles (16,801 sq km)Bordering Areas: Hebei Province to the north, west, south,  and part of the east and the Tianjin Municipality to the southeastAverage Elevation: 143 feet (43.5 m) Basics About Beijing Beijing is a large city located in northern China. It is also Chinas capital city and it is considered a direct-controlled municipality and, as such, it is controlled directly by Chinas central government instead of a province. Beijing has a very large population at 22,000,000 and it is divided into 16 urban and suburban districts and two rural counties.Beijing is known as being one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China (along with Nanjing, Luoyang and Changan or Xian). It is also a major transportation hub, a political and cultural center of China, and was host to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Geographic Facts The following is a list of ten geographic facts to know about Beijing.1)The name Beijing means Northern Capital but it has been renamed several times in its history. Some of these names include Zhongdu (during the Jin Dynasty) and Dadu (under the Yuan Dynasty). The citys name was also switched from Beijing to Beiping (meaning Northern Peace) twice in its history. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China,  however, its name officially became Beijing.2) It is believed that Beijing has been inhabited by modern humans for about 27,000 years. In addition, fossils from Homo erectus, dating back to 250,000 years ago have been found in caves in Beijings Fangshan District. Beijings history consists of struggles between various Chinese dynasties which fought for the area and used it as Chinas capital.3) In January 1949, during the Chinese Civil War, Communist forces entered Beijing, then called Beiping, and in October of that year, Mao Zedong announced the creation of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and renamed the city Beijing, its capital. 4) Since the founding of the PRC, Beijing underwent many changes to its physical structure, including the removal of its city wall and the construction of roads intended for cars instead of bicycles. Most recently, land in Beijing has developed at a rapid pace and many historical areas have been replaced by residences and shopping centers.5) Beijing is one of the most developed and industrial areas of China and it was one of the first post-industrial cities (meaning its economy is not based on manufacturing) to emerge in China. Finance is a major industry in Beijing, as is tourism. Beijing also has some manufacturing located on the western outskirts of the city and agriculture is produced outside of major urban areas.6) Beijing is located at the tip of the North China Plain (map) and it is surrounded by mountains to the north, northwest,  and west. The Great Wall of China is located in the northern part of the municipality. Mount Dongling is Beijings highest point at 7,555 feet (2, 303 m). Beijing also has several major rivers flowing through it which include the Yongding and the Chaobai Rivers.7) The climate of Beijing is considered humid continental with hot, humid summers and very cold, dry winters. Beijings summer climate is influenced by the East Asian monsoon. The average July high temperature for Beijing is 87.6 °F (31 °C), while the January average high is 35.2 °F (1.2 °C).8) Because of Chinas rapid growth and the introduction of millions of cars into Beijing and surrounding provinces, the city is known for its poor air quality. As a result, Beijing was the first city in China to require emissions standards to be implemented on its cars. Polluting cars have also been banned from Beijing and are not allowed to even enter the city. In addition to air pollution from cars, Beijing also has air quality problems due to seasonal dust storms that have developed Chinas northern and northwestern deserts due to erosion.9) Beijing is the second-largest (after Chon gqing) of Chinas direct-controlled municipalities. The majority of Beijings population is Han Chinese. Minority ethnic groups include Manchu, Hui and Mongol, as well as several small international communities.10) Beijing is a popular tourist destination within China because it is a center of Chinas history and culture. Many historic architectural sites and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites are within the municipality. For example, The Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City,  and Tiananmen Square are all located in Beijing. In addition, in 2008, Beijing hosted the Summer Olympic Games and sites constructed for the games, such as the Beijing National Stadium are popular.To learn more about Beijing, visit the municipalitys official website.Sources: Beijing - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Staphylococcus and streptococcus Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Staphylococcus and streptococcus - Lab Report Example Botulinum, C.Perfringen among others and Staphylococcus spp and streptococcus spp. Bacillus spp are typical endospore, competent naturally, gram-positive, aerobic or facultative aerobic bacilli .Rode shaped. These tests have been explored in the next section. Results Gram staining Commonly, Gram staining is technique employed in the two broad groups of bacteria differentiation and it’s based on the different constituents of the bacteria cell wall. The technique is able to distinguish between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria groups by red or violet coloring of the cells. Violet staining indicate Gram positive bacteria because of a thick layer of peptidoglycan presence in the bacteria cell walls, hence the crystal violet is retained by these stained cells. On the other hand, red staining, indicate Gram negative bacteria and this is due to a thinner peptidoglycan wall that never retains the crystal violet during the process of discoloring. In the test the bacteria were Gr am positive, the primary stain was retained and the secondary stain was lost resulting to violate appearance after viewing under a microscope. Culturing The incubation was both with incubation on agar and broth media at a temperature of 37 oc and 25 oc Techniques A spec ­i ­men loop was got then streaked on one sec ­tion, flamed and cool, later turned at 45o then streaked for a 2nd time, that over ­lap ­ped the first streak.   It was repeated for third and fourth time.   Iso ­lated regions were got in the third region with large growth amount, irregular growth form and with elevated colony. Incubation temperature was at 37 oc. When this isolate was grown on agar plate at 37 oc, there was a lot of growth with dark colored colonies; growth form was circular, with flat, filamentous margin. Alternatively when it was grown on agar at 25 oc, the amount of growth was spread out, growth form was irregular and flat, and margin was flat. Growth in broth media at 37 oc the amou nt of growth was that there was a membrane on top of the broth; growth pattern was aerobe with oxygen on top. But in broth media at 25 oc there was no growth seen. Biochemical tests: Carbohydrate Fermentation   Ã‚   Some bacteria identification is aided by identifying the type of nutrients it can utilize as well as the type of end products in the process that will be produced. These characteristics are regulated by the bacteria enzymes produced. Furthermore, this enzymes produced are genetically regulated, the sugars pattern fermented may be unique to a specific strain or species. The products of fermentation are normally acid such as acetic acid, lactic acid, etc, neutral such as ethyl alcohol etc, or gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. In the experiment, the determination of the sugar fermentation products of the unknown organism given was by first preparation of carbohydrate fermentation broth at pH 7.4. The broth contained any of the following essential ingredients: 0.5% to 1.0% of the carbohydrate to be tested that included lactose, glucose, Sucrose maltose and starch, nutrient broth and the phenol red pH indicator. The light red color nutrient broth is able to support most organisms’ growth regardless of being able to ferment sugar or not. The unknown test organism was inoculated into a broth having the mentioned above test sugar then later incubated. Production of enough acid products was indicated by a bright

Friday, November 1, 2019

TERRORISM AND POLITICAL VIOLENC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

TERRORISM AND POLITICAL VIOLENC - Essay Example The challenge therefore is about getting a clear distinction between terrorism and crime. Acts of terrorism has risen tremendously in the world and they are normally carried out by those with extreme goals. United States Department of Defense sees terrorism as an act of unlawful violence intended to create fear and used to intimidate governments or societies either for political, religious or ideological reasons. Terrorism is so much linked to political violence Historical Aspect of Terrorism Acts of terrorism has been in existence for millennia and so it is not something that just began the other day. The question one asks is, can an Unabomber doing a campaign for terrorism be termed as criminal, terrorist or a revolutionist? The French revolutionary state got into the same state of confusion when it instituted systematic state terror around 1970s leading to death of many people. Concept of moral equivalency broadens definition of what constitutes terrorism and that which is not. Cr itics argue that what matters is the outcome of the act and not the intent. If a military force with uniform cause damage to a population is categorized as the same as directing a bomb to the civilians deliberately. Anyone is termed as a terrorist as long as that person has caused harm to innocent civilians only that military action is a form of terrorism with a different name (Fridell,2001). Terrorism flexible and adaptable and therefore these characteristics have led to confusion all over the world. Tactics of committing acts of terrorism have been changing significantly over the recent past and more importantly increase in the number of causes and social context for terrorism. Nowadays most terrorist continue to perform their acts in the name of revolution and fulfillment of religious duties. The change of tactics makes it difficult for government and the security agencies and to fight this vice in the society. The elected leaders who are charged with the responsibility of fighti ng for people’s rights are the main culprits and most of them do these things to maintain their political positions. Terrorism traces its roots to so many years back and it has been going through series of revolution. The very first kind of terrorism of 1st and 14th century AD that exhibits the same acts as one’s being experienced today was Zealots of Judea, who Romans refer to as dagger-men campaigned for assassination of the Roman forces and those Jews who collaborated with them. Their aim was to express their belief that they were not ready anymore to remain subjects to Roman rule while being dictated by Judaism. Another group was the Assassins a group that broke from Shia Islam adopting a tactic of assassinating enemy leaders because the cult prevented open combat owing to limited manpower (Han,2010). This secretive killing of enemy leaders sends a fearful awe in their enemies and so they are forerunners of the current terrorism in terms of motivation, organization , and goals and indeed they made a psychological impact. Between 14th and 18th century, terror was applied extensively in warfare as well as in resolving conflicts. There was an uninterrupted communication and this led to open warfare. Kingdoms and principalities broke up to form nations and by then these nations had enough strength authority to curb the terrorism menace. The use of the word â€Å"Terrorism† was first initiated by French revolution following a